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AllwoodJennifer Allwood Homefall decor

My Pottery Barn wanna-bees

By October 18, 20117 Comments

A few years ago, I saw something similar to this in the Pottery Barn catalog for like a jillion dollars. Since I don’t have a jillion dollar budget, I made my own knock off.

I bought 5 grapevine wreaths for each topiary staggering in sizes. I started with the biggest on the bottom and stacked them all on top of each other.

Then I used florist wire to wire each wreath to the one on top of it and the one below it.

After having a “volcano” of wreaths….you stuff the entire inside tightly with newspaper. It will hold the shape. I’ve had these topiaries for 5 or 6 years….and they are still holding up.

The top wreath will show an open hole with newspaper showing, so I stuff the tops heavily with sticks, berries and leaf picks. All from Hobby Lobby.

Then I shove whatever fall picks I have into the sides. They will fade every few years and need replaced.

I place the topiaries in my summer pots and anchor them down with landscape spikes.

When the season is over, I literally pick them up, put a trash bag over them and keep them in the basement until the next year.

But in the meantime, I enjoy them all fall. At a fraction of the cost.

Sorry Pottery Barn. You know I luv ya….

Linking up to CSI fall projects.


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