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Are you ready for a post on “paint”?

By April 16, 201011 Comments

I am too.

But the “mommy hat” is the only one I can wear right now.

I’ll be back in the swing of things soon…

Start sending me your pictures of decorated casts…..


  • Christina says:

    oh no, what happened?

  • you just worry about being a mommy. Give your girl some loves!

  • Sue says:

    WOW…all she did was draw on the walls, a chair and her legs…poor wee thing. 😉
    Seriously…hope it is not a bad break and she is up and at ’em again very soon. You wear that mommy hat as long as you need to.

  • Angie says:

    Oh my goodness!!! Poor thing! Hope she’s not in pain!!! I’ll have to dig out my photos of my daughters broken arm when she was 3. Her brother decided he didn’t want her on “his” slide anymore and I just had hardwood floors installed in the bedrooms 🙁 CRACK!!! How sad is it though that they look sooooo cute in little tiny casts 🙁

  • Nancy W says:

    oh no!! it’s a good thing she has you for a mommy, i’m sure you will take good care of her! she will be better than new before you know it! *hugs from texas

  • Pat says:

    She’s such a cutie! One would think it would be one of the boys, right? 🙂 Hope you both heal quickly!


  • Jan @ bobbypins boardwalk says:

    Poor little princess — I guess she figures this will keep you away from the marathons for a while, huh? She is so adorable!

  • Pamela says:

    God bless her little heart! At least it is pink!

  • Sorry to hear this, can’t wait to see how you decorate her cast. What faux finish can you come up with!! Take care!

  • Kolein says:

    I just have to say, Jen, I love her messy hair. Love it. It’s over the top for me!!!!

    So sorry to see her with a big booboo like that. I’d be feeling the pain big time. I can only imagine how you feel. And her, of course. Poor sweetie.

    I hope everything is going well in spite of this. During times like these we can all get to sit down and cuddle a whole lot more. Yay!!!

    Much love,

  • Fabiola says:

    Oh no so sad…but still she looks so beautiful. Take good care of her and if she were my grandchild I will be rocking her on my “grandmas rocking chair”, the favorite of my little boy.

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