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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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In the card catalog of people and personalities, we all want to know where we fit in, what group we belong in and how we can label ourselves. I have struggled with this awareness that I never “fit in.” I’ve always felt that I didn’t belong in JUST ONE group of people and I know some of my listeners and followers feel this way too. I really wanted to share and encourage you with my personal journey with always feeling different and my “a-ha” moment when I listened to God’s calling.

Show Notes

  • The leather & tutu Facebook post that inspired this podcast topic is here.

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More about the Equipped Conference

Go here to attend the Equipped Conference May 2-3, 2019 in Kansas City


  • Thank you so much for these encouraging words! I really needed to hear this! I am a born again Christian too,and still feel like I don’t know where I belong.Your words of Encouragement always gives me hope! Thank you for being you!🙂❤️❤️❤️

  • Kim Watson says:

    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful inspiration to us all and showing us that God has us no matter where we are in life. He has a plan for us and for those of us that feel like we don’t fit in with the Norm it’s because we are made to stand out so we can be seen and heard for his purpose and Glory and if we hide behind the scenes, which is me, then his purpose for us can not be fulfilled, thank you for helping me to realize that my season is now! God is waiting to walk or even carry me through this journey and all I have to do is step out in Faith and take his hand. I am there, I am ready and I know he is waiting and able to take me where nothing and no one else can!! Thank you for being a great servant for God and letting him use you and direct you with his omnipotent presence for his Glory!! Love to you and your wonderful family❤️

  • Rachel says:

    Wonderful words of encouragement! 💕 love listening to you podcast!

  • Ellen Fay says:

    First of all; Thank you for sharing. Secondly, I am sorry I can’t attend the conference in May. Meanwhile, Third, I am in your current creators roadmap course! This podcast and frankly, all of your podcasts have touched my heart. Some made me laugh. Some make my eyes leak. Some make me say out loud “That is me sister!” Permission to feel enough? That I don’t have to “fit” in a box? Pause. Repeat…and my time will come? I am blessed. I say it often. I have two amazing sons! My world doesn’t get any better than that; being a mom to my sons. It’s the transitioning part, as they get older that “Where do I fit in?” “What am I going to be when I grow up?” Started playing over in my head. I used to think it was normal, that I had friends in all the different “groups” in high school. My faith was possibly more purposeful then…I lost that feeling until I heard your podcast. What a blessing it was, that we had the opportunity to know so many kinds of people! We don’t “fit”, because God possibly made a few of us like his sunsets- We see them daily, some people prefer sunsets, some sunrises; and every once in awhile some take notice of an amazing one! Just because we may not see the sun under cloudy conditions, doesn’t mean it isn’t still there! Thanks for the reminder! I hope we meet someday. Blessings.

  • Jennifer,

    You know that feeling when your heart swells, you get tingles all over, and your eyes fill up with tears? That feeling is TRUTH. It’s spirit testifying that what you are hearing is truth.

    Your truth resonated with me on a very personal level. I felt as if, through God, you were speaking directly to me.

    Like you, I’ve never fit in to one specific group and I’ve always had friends from total opposite spectrums.

    As a creative & furniture artist I’ve never fit in the mold. I’ve learned what makes you different is your MAGIC!

    Thank you for doing this podcast. I know it was meant for me to hear.


    Oh. My. Gosh. Yes. Yes. Yes. I resonated on every. Single. Point. In this podcast. Thank you for being vulnerable!!

  • Anna Walker says:

    As a military brat (go Air Force), I grew up never fitting in, and learned to ‘manage it’ as we moved from one place to another. What struck me from this podcast was your elevating our set-apartedness, “For such a time as this.” I am so very grateful for your inspiration and encouragement.

  • Jacqueline H. Jones says:

    Thank you for this podcast. It was an important message for me to receive.

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