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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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So last week Facebook and Instagram went down and got super glitchy for its users. It freaked out so many of my fellow business owners and fans who are reliable on the FB/IG world to communicate with their people. It was a great learning lesson for all of us.  So today, I have a lot of concrete tips that I want to give you so that if something ever goes sideways with any number of your social media platforms, you have a plan B, C, and D. So that you are not vulnerable and your business is not going to reliant on Facebook working. We’ll discuss other areas of your business that you need to focus on this year.  I have tons of golden nuggets for you and insight to my business in this podcast! Grab a pen and paper… and please share this podcast with your fellow business owners!

Show Notes

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  • Carol Lander says:

    So helpful. I really need to focus on my list.

  • Kerri says:

    Thank you for this podcast, Jennifer. You mentioned an orange app to manage your page on Facebook. I think I found it, but the reviews of it aren’t very good. Is it the Facebook Page Manager with the orange flag? If not, could you share which one you are using? Thank you!

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