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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo


Pictures of frames on the wall

I haven’t done any home projects in two months because I’ve been finishing writing my book! Friends, let me tell you, that took every ounce of my physical, mental, creative and emotional energy, so thank you for sticking with me through that whole process because it was a wild ride! And prepare for preorders in November!!!!

Recently, I was in the At Home store and I saw these cute frames but I loved them for the hooks on the back! I literally bought every single one that the local At Home store had.

Gold frame hanging on shelf

When I bought these frames I thought the way they were displayed in the At Home store was the way that I could hang them on the wall. I loved the decorative hooks on the top of them that I thought looked like cute little bunny ears! lol

Gold frames hanging on shelf

I came home and took the frame out of the packaging and to my surprise…. the hooks are NOT part of the frame! Turns out they are NOT decorative hooks. They were just on the frame to hang in the store. #facepalm #blondemoment


Hooks for Frames

So I was left with all these cute metal triangles and I really wanted them to hang the photos by, so here’s what I did.

I took the cardboard piece that’s supposed to go into the trash and cut out a few inches in the middle where the nail would originally go.

Then I hot glued the piece of cardboard to the back of the frame. Since the frames are lightweight, hot glue was enough to hold the frames.

Hooks glued to back of frames


It was as easy as that!


Frames hanging on the wall

So, there ya have it, my friends! These DIY gold picture frames look so cute on my wall! To watch the full video of me assembling them, click here.  Please note: I am wearing pants in the video even tho’ at times it doesn’t look like it! lol.

Feel free to pin this on Pinterest so you can come back to it later!

Frames hanging on wall