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My Word of The Year for 2014

By December 30, 201310 Comments


Several years ago, I began praying for a word of the year from the Lord.  The first year, I heard the word “courage”.  This was the year I learned how to swim and did my first triathlon and half marathon.   I felt like a stallion!

The 2nd year, I got the word “rest” and thought…. what a whimpy word!!! Ha!  If you have followed my Facebook page or blog for any length of time you will know that I hit the ground running every day and don’t stop until my head hits the pillow at night.  Turns out, about half way thru the year, the Lord began dealing with me about the pace of life I was keeping, the need to keep the Sabbath holy and the importance of REST in my life.  The word “REST” was perfect for me.

So as we inch closer and closer to 2014, I have asked the Lord for a word for this year.  I have not heard an audible megaphone from Heaven, but I know I have found my word.  In the last month, every time I turn around, I bump into the word “JOY”.  It’s become almost funny to me.

I did a project with the word JOY.  A word I don’t really use much….there are plenty of “Christmasy” words I could have used….


Then I did a giveaway with the word JOY.  I just happened to grab a Christmas ornament for the color and size and it happened to say joy.

111713 016

I keep hearing songs with the word JOY. Keep seeing it in my bible reading.  IT JUST WON’T GO AWAY.

And so, I am embracing JOY as my word for the year for 2014.  It doesn’t have the same “overcomer” qualities as “courage” did.  And, it doesn’t seem as quite as tranquil as “rest” did last year.

But I am guessing it will fit me just about right.  He always knows best, doesn’t He?  And…since the bible has 214 scriptures with the word “joy” in it and it IS a fruit of the spirit….I’m guessing it’s kind of a big deal.

And so what about you?

Do you have a word of the year for 2014???

Share it with me!




  • stephanie arnold says:

    Organized 🙂

  • Candy Thayer says:

    I actually have 2 words….Be Brave. Last year my word was “change” as I knew my life would change in dramatic ways…which it did. Now, I need to embrace the changes and just Be Brave.

  • Elmina Tilley says:

    My word is purpose.

  • Jaci says:

    The word given to me was SIMPLE. I’m excited to see what 2014 brings!!

  • Pat says:

    Yes! I’ve done a word for the year for many years even before blogging!
    My word for the new 2014 year will be BALANCE I haven’t blogged it yet but that will come.
    I love yours …joy! I happen to think that joy is an over omer courageous and restful word. Without them it is hard to have joy.
    Be blessed my friend and hope you find much joy in the coming year… I know you will be spreading joy! -Pat

  • Words for me this year! ♫ ♪ OH How He Loves Us ♫ ♪ ♥ !!!!
    1) SPARKLE ! *
    So Bright it cannot be mistaken..Spread it AROUND! SHARE * Shine HIS Light Baby! >> ♥
    2) LOVE
    ♥ SHOW & TELL > Of His love !.. Be a WALKING Jesus.. ♥ Love is what draws them Near & LOVE is what will KEEP THEM!
    3) * ACTION * Spread the word to STOP the CLANGING.. ♥ PRESSING on my heart the most! >> 1st Corinthians 13 …

  • Cindy says:

    Proverbs 4:25 ESV “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” FOCUS is my one word this year. Last year I had intentional and thought I might just keep it because I thought I needed to. Then the Lord began speaking to me…yep, focus this year so I will keep last year’s to go with it and intentionally focus! I love the word you chose, and your JOY paintings inspired me throughout the Christmas season. Happy New Year!

  • Deb K says:

    My goal too is to have more joy this year. I tend to get things done and not enjoy the process. So was glad to see God gave you the word joy too.

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