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Trying to get fancy

By February 12, 201023 Comments

I am trying to get fancy… notice my name on the picture and the auto signature on the post. But good grief it’s hard. It took longer for me to get my name on the picture than it did for us to stencil that ceiling above! Ha….. that is the price for being fancy I guess!!!

(A special thank you to Kate from the Gaines Gang for turning me on to for the photo editing. )

So, what do you think? Do you have an easy way to put your name on your pictures?

And how do I make my new auto signature blend in with my background instead of the nice, tighty, whitey box that I have around it right now?

Did I mention I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems???????? That diploma sits on a shelf and laughs at me.

Edited: The blogging world is full of wonderful, generous, SMART ladies like Terri at Artfully Arranged Disarray who figured out my signature problem for me!!!!!!! Coming next post…. no white box! Thanks Terri!!!


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