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The 60 hour bathroom faux

By September 13, 20106 Comments

One of my model homes in Staley Farms just sold, so the builder asked that I go in and fill nail holes from the pictures they took down, etc.

I photoed the powder bathroom on the main floor for you.

It made me sweat just looking at it. I was remembering when we worked on this model 3 years ago. At night. With no lights. By spotlight.

And this one tiny bathroom took us over 60 hours to faux finish!!!!!

It is a combination of green and copper Lusterstones which was easy enough to do. But that stencil! That stinking stencil! Done in black!!!!! Which bleeds EVERYWHERE.

I swear, if you email me wanting the instructions, I will give them to you with my best advice…..

“This one should have been done in wallpaper”……


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