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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

I did this post last year on how I broke our beautiful old chandelier that my husband hung over our master bathtub and SAME DAY he installed it.

I tried to hot glue the broken, dangling, limp arm back on.

I tried to use wire to “rig” it back up.

I tried to ignore it.

I considered hiring a welder to weld it back together.

And then…. I just got tired of looking at it. Seriously, every day I had to look out of my shower and see that broken arm pointing out.

So, we got a new chandelier.

And my adorable husband was brilliant enough to wire it while talking on the phone.

And brilliant enough to pick me up a ceiling medallion because he knows what I like and EVERY chandelier should have a medallion with it!

And then, without me even asking, he was brilliant enough to put a dimmer on it. So I can have lighting like this:

Or like this:

He is brilliant and knows my taste so well and I don’t even have to ask anymore. He just does it like he knows I will love it.

And I am one content and happy woman.

(Sidenote: the medallion was done in 2.38 minutes by spray painting it in a black gloss and dry brushing Modern Masters Antique Bronze over it. Chandelier came from Lowes. The old chandelier is up for grabs to anyone who wants it! Just email me.)


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