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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Are you a list maker? Your lists could be hindering you from getting things done! All Postswork from homeworking momblog

Are you a list maker? Your lists could be hindering you from getting things done!

  I have always prided myself in being a list-maker. I come from a long line of list-making women and baby, we are efficient. List-makers rock. List-makers get stuff done. List-makers make the world go round! I used to get A's in my elementary school grade card on "uses time wisely".  I…
October 23, 2014
And then there was the time a girl pushed my son right off the playground equipment…. All PostsAllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeFaith, Family, & AdoptionBusiness Trainingdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momadoption

And then there was the time a girl pushed my son right off the playground equipment….

  So I can't get this story out of my mind. And usually that means until I blog about it, it's going to sit there..... bugging me like a strand of gray hair or a picture on my wall that I noticed is hung too high.  You understand. And so…
August 14, 2014
Hot Mess - Creative Business Owner
How being a “Hot Mess” has made me a successful business owner (and can make you one too!) Jennifer Allwood HomeAll Postsdecoratingworking momAllwood

How being a “Hot Mess” has made me a successful business owner (and can make you one too!)

   (from I am curious if you can think of a well-meaning teacher or parent or friend who labeled you as "something" as a child?  Perhaps you were told you were a day dreamer.  Or bossy.  Or hyperactive.  Or the class clown.  Isn't it funny how those labels can stick with…
May 14, 2014