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AllwoodJennifer Allwood Homefurniture

Rescue from the Goodwill turns into a Craigslist item for sale

By February 2, 201031 Comments

One of my clients wondered if I wanted to rescue this dresser and stool from heading to the Goodwill…..

Uhhhhhhhh…. yeah!!! What a great shaped piece!!!!

I had a designer who was going to put it in her antique mall space for sale and she asked me to paint it a mossy green color….It wasn’t my choice for color, but it’s still cute as all get out!

Now the antique mall thing has fallen through, so I am thinking about putting it on Craigslist for sale.

Do any of you have any tips for selling furniture on Craigslist?

What about pricing suggestions? This is uncharted territory for me!!

Other than crazy-anonymous-serial-killing-commenters (see last post) coming to my home to look at it…. is there anything else I need to know???

Here is hoping to get rich quick on Craigslist,



  • Thomtiger says:

    I love that – I wish I lived close enough to get it! I also wish I lived close enough for you to glaze my kitchen cabinets:)

  • Stephanie says:

    That is so cute, I too wish you lived closer! I would for sure put “shabby chic” in your tags on craig’s list. Good luck!

  • Christina says:

    Good Luck! I have had a lot of luck selling furniture through Craigslist. Sure you won’t have any problems, its a great piece.

  • KC Mom says:

    How much do you want for it?

  • Just Beachy says:

    My advice for selling is to do some realistic comparable pricing , people shopping craigslist are looking for “bargains” , if it is priced right it will be sold in a matter of days sometimes even hours , I find most buyers are women for these kinds of pieces , and just make sure someone is home with you when buyers come to check it out .
    Good luck

  • Lori says:

    I am sorry I have no input in regard to the Craig’s List query… however, what is the deal with the ‘crazy-anonymous-serial killing commentators?’ What is their malfunction??? It is a shame that you have had to have that ****, I mean baloney, posted on your blog.

  • Kimba says:


    Love it! I don’t have experience selling on craigslist (although I’ve done plenty of buying). Here’s hoping you sell it quick!

  • Pamela says:

    Love that piece!! I would take it in a heart beat though I am with you the color not my first pic either. Just list it as a custom design by The Magic Brush. I would say probably $200-250ish. There is a local that does this for a living.

  • jaimeparis says:

    this is insane! Right now I so wish that someone offered me a beauty like this…Somebody? Anybody? Hahahaha.
    great job, really :o)

  • Wanda says:

    I LOVE it!!!! Great job re-doing it. Can’t help with Craigslist.

    Good luck!

  • Christie says:

    Guess who?! Add me to your blog family 🙂

    I would definitely post the desk for like $250! The worst someone could do is talk the price down!

    Your new blog friend,

  • Lee Laurie says:

    WOW! It is gorgeous! I would love to have one like it. I also love painting furniture but my problem is I never want to sell any of it. I always want to keep it for me! I’m almost out of room.LOL

  • Anonymous says:

    ĐĐ” Đ·ĐœĐ°Đ»

  • Jessica says:

    i have sold lots of furniture on craigslist. its really east. i would list it at around $250 as posted before and give it about 5 days. usually people looking for items jump on them asap, so you will know if you are priced to high if noone bites at all. when i post usually within a few hours i have inquires about items.

    if 5-7 days pass and noone is asking anything, you should look to reduce. just repost with a new price. no need to put REDUCED or anything like that.

    if you dont want to reduce, saying things like 250 or best offer, or eager to sell, will get people to at least throw an offer your way.

    in terms of strangers coming to your house, ALWAYS ask for their phone number to call them about a time to come. that way, if you call and its them, you have their contact, and if they dont answer or its a weird number or something, you havent given a stranger your address.
    have people only come during the day time, and when you are not home alone. that seems obvious but for me, i dont get home until 530 or 6 and in the winter its already dark, so waiting for a weekend is ideal for me.

    if you have a vehicle (truck) you can always meet them somewhere public. i have sold redskins tickets at the front door of a target so that i was in public eye JUST IN CASE!

    this was alot, sorry! good luck and its gorgeous!!

  • Sarah @ Hennessey House says:

    i would so steal this piece, it’s just that cool.

  • Sandra says:

    What a beautiful transformation! I’m sure you won’t have any problems selling it on Craigslist. Very nice!

  • Mrs.H says:

    WOW! I love it! I plan on spending a few hours checking out your other creations today =) I am so glad you linked me to your dresser (the same one I found.) I have been thinking of painting it black and yours came out lovely!!

  • tattoo designs says:

    Loving it!

  • Shauna says:

    Wow…i wish I had some place to put it!!! I love that piece.

  • Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking says:

    Beautiful! Craigslist is a hit and miss for me. Most things will sell at the price you want, if you’re willing to wait and just keep relisting it.

  • Jennifer Rizzo says:

    When I list I always: Make sure the item is in my garage so that’s as far is they get into my house. and 2. make sure my kids aren’t around or to be seen. It’s gorgeous! It think you could ask an easy $300 and then be willing to bargain with the price a bit.

  • Jennifer Rizzo says:

    I always put the piece in my garage so no one goes in my house and also make sure my kids are no where to be seen. I bet you could ask $300 and then be willing to haggle a bit… It’s gorgeous!

  • Samantha2818 says:

    Love the desk – it looks amazing! What a fantastic job you did.
    I’ve had one of those symbol comments and did wonder what it was all about but ignored it! I’ll be on the lookout now and if I get any more may change my settings to approve comments like some of your followers have suggested.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my paint job – what a compliment coming from a professional!
    By the way the photo of your pricess is adorable!

  • Blessedmom's Simple Home says:

    That desk looks wonderful. I love it.
    Have you tried using word verification for your comments? I have it and it seems to help.

  • Pamela says:

    Did ya list yet???

  • What a cute piece! I think the seat wants a punchier fabric. Like I’m one to talk…this project would take six months in my hands! Good luck. I bet you will get about $175-$200 for it.

    When I recently bought a chair from Craigslist the family didn’t give me their exact address until I was on the way and they clearly stated cash only…smart thinking.

  • Its So Very Cheri says:

    Before we moved wee sold a ton on Craigslist. Almost everything went. We got more than if I had done a garage sale.
    You have good tips already–ask for cash only.

    If it has been a few days and no response it will get burried and people don’t go very far back to check things out–assuming they are most likely gone.


  • Infarrantly Creative says:

    that really is gorgeous. Craigslist is tough if you don’t have a huge market in your area. I bet if you were in Chicago or Hotlanta it would be gone already. A little extra spending money would be nice though wouldn’t it 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    Hiya people, I just signed up on this awesome discussion board and wanted to say aloha! Have a terrific day!

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