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AllwoodJennifer Allwood Homefurniture

Oddest place ever to buy a “big girl bed”

By August 2, 201011 Comments

If you live in Kansas City, there is the oddest store ever in the caves off 291 Highway in Independence called “Overstock Freight”.

It’s where I got the blue dresser that sits in my entryway. The store is totally hit or miss. Sometimes it’s junk….sometimes you get a gem.

My boys took the opportunity to try to scare their sister who already thought driving in a cave was creepy. Me too Ava!

Unfortunately, the store is closing, so they had listed some things on Craigslist. Fortunately….they are having 20% off everything in the store right now. We picked up this cute “big girl bed” for Ava for $80…..what a deal!

I wanted to bring this gem home, but alas…I have no more room for furniture!

I think it was $199 and gorgeous!

Somehow, this motorized scooter jumped into our vehicle too. How do you walk in for a bed and leave with another “deathmobile“?

Funny how that happens, isn’t it?


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