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57 email subject lines that convert

A few days ago I posted on my stories talking about if we are believers in Christ, we should be the most hope-filled people in the world right now!  Despite the virus, election, and anything else that makes the world feel crazy. That does not mean we should be denying the virus. That does not mean we shouldn’t be smart and cautious. BUT it DOES mean that we are not supposed to look like the rest of the world.

3 Things: 

1. We should look different than the rest of the world

  • We SHOULD be:
    • Full of hope
    • Full of joy
    • Be ready to give an answer to why we have such hope! (1 Peter 3:15)
  • We Shouldn’t be:
    • terrified
    • adding to the hysteria

2.  Know as a believer, you will have trouble in this life. 

  • John 16:33  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

3.  Take heart to know how this ends. 

  • God’s promises are bigger than the news.
  • God’s promises are bigger than the scientists
  • God’s promises are bigger than any politician
  • God’s promises are bigger than any Facebook post.

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