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Jacking stuff up

By August 20, 200915 Comments

I would like to pretend that all my project turn out lovely…. but many fail miserably. Remember this project where I tried to make a spring wreath???????

So I got the above lamp from a friend who was throwing it away.

I thought I could perhaps take the lamp hardware off of it, paint it and just sit it on a table or out in the garden. Wait… I don’t have a garden. Ok….so I was gonna sit it on a table…

Some of the lamp hardware screwed off the top. Then I came to a metal piece soddered to the top of the statue’s head. I couldn’t just leave the piece there. My new table piece would have a metal rod shooting up out of her head. Perhaps I should have just left well enough alone. It may have been a good conversation starter.

Enter exhibit a:

Enter exhibit b:

Enter exhibit c (giggling that I have a “relax” sign in the background as I smash this statue with a hammer):

And finally, exhibit d:

Hope your projects today turn out better than mine.

Be blessed,


  • Frosty says:

    My mom had this EXACT lamp until last year when it broke. It ended up looking a lot like exhibit “d” above. Much prettier in the bronze color…sorry the rod removal didn’t go as planned.

  • Glad to know you do make mistakes!

  • Erin says:

    Ha ha!! Your photos are too funny!

  • Mesha says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! r u trying to get me in trouble!!! rofl. i am @ work, it’s like DEAD @ the bank today and it’s completely silent. right when i got to “ENTER EXHIBIT B,” lol…I CRACKED UP OUTLOUD, VERY LOUD – i didn’t even have to see the next 2 pictures yet, i apologized for my outburst. lol. wow! OH MY, this was good medicine today! WOW!!!

  • Shauna says:

    girl that is funny! although i really liked it so i am a little sad:)

  • How funny! Love the pics! I too have had many failed projects. I just look at it like this… Now I know what not to do next time! So next time you get a lamp to re-purpose keep the hammer far far away:)

  • Laretha says:

    i’m with shauna…a little sad to see the smashed lady…but hilarious!!

  • jerriann says:

    Oh wow, that was inspiring. Thanks and I mean that sincerely. Seriously, I never thought to show my failures, I could blog everyday with that.

    I love your site, Thank you for the sweet comment on baby Hadley. I got to watch her yesterday for a couple hours. Momma sure was ready to get her back though. I thought that was sweet.

    See ya. Oh yea, I think I take a stroll through your pages. 🙂

  • Eric Deeter says:

    I started laughing when I saw the picture of the hammer. Great story! I have a little voice that warns me that I’m about to hurt myself or jack something up. Usually I realize it was speaking to me after the damage has been done. I wish my inner voice was louder.

  • Jamie says:

    Oh, that’s rotten! I hate when projects don’t work out right and you’ve spent time forcing it!

  • Let it Shine says:

    HA! Totally know how that goes! Love your blog, just found it!

  • Girly Stuff says:

    What were you thinking?? “Put the hammer down and back away from the Greek statue”

    That only had one ending.

  • Fauxology says:

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! That’s what I thought about the hammer…but boy have I been there before. Fun post!

  • LOL 50-50 chance…. and, BAM!

  • I have NO idea how I landed over here but it’s 11:30 pm, I have a big ol bag of honey nut cheerios in front of me and I’m wiping the tears from my eyes reading this post. Hilarous!

    Some things are just meant to be. 🙂

    Funky Junk Donna

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