Notice the curve to the steps… and the step leveler contraption thingy that we had to use. And need I mention these ladders are heavy and cumbersome????? Notice Jeri clenching her jaw. I think she is silently telling herself… “I will not cuss… I will not cuss…”.
The stairwell was so narrow and tall that we had to use both ladders at the same time to avoid “dry lines”.
This is Jeri…. praying to be taller than she is as she stretches to get as high as possible…
Poor Joy is trying to be heavier than she is and rock this ladder back towards her…
Joy had no idea she signed on to be part painter/part pan holder…
Look at this behind-the-back-maneuver… Man I love teamwork!
Look at Jeri eyeballing me. I think she is trying to decide if she will still have a job if she stabs my eye out with her paintbrush since I am taking pictures instead of helping her!
Joy is breaking every ladder rule out there (please don’t try this at home… these are trained professionals!)
And guess what? NO “after” picture. I can’t believe I didn’t take one. We did do the same finish in an office last month. Here’s an “after” picture from that job:
May I just say that I am not a fan of heights. Therefore, I am sooooo thankful that my girls are:
1) all tiny, but freakishly strong for women
2) brave, brave, brave
3) and half monkey/half contortionists. (they seriously can get ANYWHERE!)
Thank you Jeri and Joy! The stairwell looked awesome!
Man…I about wet myself just trying to change a light bulb on a tall ladder. Great work girls.
What a great post!! Freakishly strong! yes they are!!!
Oh, it’s beautiful too!
WOW, that is some serious talent! Glad you shared the journey! hugs from Conroe!
That looks beautiful! Your remark here:
Look at Jeri eyeballing me. I think she is trying to decide if she will still have a job if she stabs my eye out with her paintbrush since I am taking pictures instead of helping her!
That just cracked me up. I know y’all must work really hard and put in a lot of time and effort. When I get tired I get tickled and watching y’all work wore me out, LOL, so I guess that is why I laughed at your remark.
{{Big Hugs}}
It looks great and worth risking life and limb over! But isn’t all home decor?
I love the crocodile finish!
Wow! I guess this is why you all get paid the big bucks! These are some scary pictures!!!
You do have a dare-devil crew. I’ve seen them run up and down shaking scaffolding in my own house. I love the way it turned out on the stairway…I promise, I won’t ask you guys to do that at my house. 😉
That is just crazy! I would have chewed off every nail watching that party! I bet it’s fabulous if it looks like the office…
I love the title – when I really think about it, I’d say most of the ‘doing’ is NOT glamorous.. its the after awe that is. Know what I mean? I got an ice chill that ran through me (like when you look out of a really high sky scraper window?) when I saw the photo of Joy reaching from the top… uugh, been there done that and not fun.
That is a killer finish, by the way!