My husband and I recently traveled to Branson, MO to stay at the Big Cedar Lodge with some of our dearest friends. Big Cedar has 3 pools, a lazy river and is on Tablerock Lake…..so water is everywhere.
I have shared with you all my fear of water. And how I have tried to overcome that fear by competing in my first triathlon 2 weeks ago.
I’ve also shared that this fear of water is “generational fear” which was passed down to me from many of my family members who can’t swim or panic in the water or who plug their noses. Plus I have just basically been a wimp in the water. And that’s my own fault….no one elses.
So keeping in mind how big of a chicken I have been in the water all of my life…..I would like to brag on my 3 year old’s swimming abilities.
The fear has stopped here baby!!!!
Here she is with her daddy!!!!! No nose plugging and NO FEAR as she jumps off of a bluff!!!!

Notice the difference in my body language vs. my husbands as we jump in. His picture above looks like he is winging my daughter out into the water. On the contrary, my picture looks like I think I can shelter my baby from the impending water we are about to hit!!!! LOL! And THIS is why God gives us both a father and a mother folks. I would protect her to death and daddy would double dog dare her……hahaha!
What a gorgeous place. I am staring this post. Would love to go there some day. I don’t have a fear, but not all that comfortable in lake water. I like to be able to see the bottom. Great fun.
that is awesome, my son for sure has a fear of water, and I am just the opposite (my sisters and i thrived in swimming lessons, took them all and swam every single day of summer!)…….. he is 6 and has been in swim lessons for 4 summers and made very little progress, its so disheartening, I am NOT giving up though! I think we are going to do individual lessons instead of group ones, and try to work on this during the winter. It breaks my heart
That’s really great, Jen!
I think the sky is the limit for you from here on out 🙂
Lou Cinda
Looks like you did it. We just went to Branson a few of weeks ago. Fun place.