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Ever wonder what to do with those big paper mache letters?

By October 5, 201011 Comments

I used to see those huge paper mache letters at JoAnn’s Crafts and wonder what in the heck do people do with them??

Then, when I was pregnant with Ava Grace, I finally got creative.

I modge podged them with scrapbook paper and added as much bling as possible.

Why didn’t I think of it sooner?


  • Tara says:

    Sooooo cute!!! I love big huge letters and your blog!
    Hugs From Texas, tara

  • Vintagesouthernlife says:

    This is so cute.I never thought about scrapbook paper,duh.
    My grand daughter would love this.
    Thanks for sharing. Annette

  • Love those letters. Perfect for a little princess.

  • Sandra says:

    Very nice! Love the color you chose too!:)

  • Frosty says:

    I did the same thing to Nathan’s room years ago! I love that it’s a cheap, fun project. But I have to admit, you’re looks WAY cooler ’cause it has bling on it. 🙂

  • Pamela says:

    I need some of those for above the boys beds. I have never seen them that big before but will have to double check. I don’t think ours carries them.

  • Reenie says:

    So cute. Did you make the big star too? That’s really cute also!

  • Jenni says:

    I love those letters! I think you can never go wrong with pink for a girl’s room! 🙂

  • Lucy Designs says:

    the letters are awesome but what is that gorgeousness hanging on the wall beside it??? I love it, whatever it is!

  • Beehive says:

    Totally just did a double take. One of my coworker friends has a 2 year old named Ava Grace. How cool to stumble upon another little Ava Grace in this world.

    I painted those letters blue and hung them from pink ribbons on trees at the end of our driveway for our wedding. They were very cool.

  • Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    I’ve always wanted to do these letters, but my “little girl” is out of the house now. She does have her own little girl {2 1/2 month sold} and once she has her own dedicated space as her room/nursery, I will get to work. This would be a nice way to fill the wall.

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