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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Another Friday, another Equipped Speaker intro. Lisa is a new friend that I absolutely cannot wait to meet in real life! On this special Friday episode, we talk all about a big theme in Lisa’s life for this year and her most pivot experience of the last decade. Lisa also shares some info about her business and where it is going. I am happy to introduce you to Lisa Whittle!

Want to meet Lisa and all the other amazing speakers? Get your ticket for the conference today.
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Hit the Highlights

[0:57] How Lisa and I met
[4:00] More about Lisa and what she’s been up tp
[8:27] Big trend in Lisa’s life over the last year
[11:00] Learn about Lisa’s business
[13:36] How Lisa is using the internet for Kingdom things
[15:40] Lisa’s walk with Jesus
[17:32] Most pivotal point in the last decade for Lisa
[24:15] Rapid Fire Questions

All About Lisa

Lisa is a speaker, writer, and podcaster whose passion and approach to all things comes from the truth the Jesus is everything. She founded a ministry for leaders to help equip to preach the Gospel with integrity, prioritize family relationships, and learn proper soul care to serve Jesus with strength for the long haul. She is a wife, mom, lover of laughter, good food, interior design and The Bible.

Where to Find Lisa

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