Do you know who your ideal customer avatar is? I’m talking about knowing this client so well, you know where they live, what they do, how old they are and what they want. What are her pain points? It’s going to be hard to sell your products if you don’t know who you are selling them to! There are many ways you can figure out who your ideal customer avatar is, down to every tiny detail. Friends, if you have not taken the time to hone in on who your perfect client is, also known as an avatar, it’s time to do that right now.
Hit the Highlights
[02:02] What you need to know about your ideal client
[06:30] Finding your client’s pain points
[09:20] How I coach my clients on this topic
[10:30] Use your client avatar to create content
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Listener Shoutout
I love to shout out a business each week on the show. Your reviews are such a blessing to me, so I want to repay by drawing some attention to someone who takes the time to leave one. Thank you to listener, Karen_Kinsinger, for your kind words. I pray a blessing over you and your business!
“I love how Jennifer integrates her faith so well into her business and is not afraid to let it shine through. We need more podcasts like this.”
Listener: Karen_KinsingerPodcast Review: “Love It!”
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