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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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It hurts my heart to see people spend so much time in energy into building their business, only to not launch their product, membership, or blog. Sometimes it’s reasons like life or family stuff, but most of the time it comes down to good-old-fashioned fear. But where did that fear of failing come from? When we understand WHY we do the things that we do, then we can make a shift. When you know better you do better. I want to go over three main reasons why you might be so scared to fail in business. Because when you are an entrepreneur, failure WILL come. But friend, you are not your business. You have worth and value apart from your business.

Hit the Highlights

(04:17) Oftentimes pivoting and shifting is a fear-based response.

(05:57) Private failures become public spectacles.

(07:36) The opinion of man in a snare. (Psalm 29:25)

(09:24) If you are trapped, so is your spouse.

(11:40) Why you may be scared of making the wrong decision.

(17:50) Where feelings of unworthiness come from.

3 Main Reasons Why People Don’t Want to Fail

  • Other people will see your failure.
  • You are worried about perceived punishment.
  • Failure will confirm how we already feel about ourselves.

Listener Shoutout

I love to shout out a business each week on the show. Your reviews are such a blessing to me so I want to repay by drawing some attention to someone who takes the time to leave one. Thank you, Someone Ahhh5, for your kind words. I pray a blessing over you and your business!

“I always look forward to listening to Jennifer! She’s bringing fire, knowledge, and Jesus in every episode! It’s great having someone with the same views voicing her opinion and cheering on others to do the same. “

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