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57 email subject lines that convert

Today on the podcast I’m introducing you to my new friend, Aaron Walker. Aaron started his first business at 18 and sold it to a Fortune 500 company nine years later. Since then he has started 12 other widely successful companies and now he is coming on The Jennifer Allwood Show to share his wisdom and expertise with all of us. What I love about Aaron is that even though he has had so much financial success, he knows without relational significance—it doesn’t matter. This conversation inspired me soooo much as I am on my business journey and I know it will for you as well!

Hit the Highlights

(2:00) Hear more about Aaron’s story
(11:20) When life throws you a curveball
(18:40) What does it mean to be in a mastermind?
(26:30) Isolation is the enemy to excellence
(29:16) How to find a mastermind
(34:20) What to do if you don’t know where to start
(36:07) How to feel less isolated in 2020

All About Aaron Walker

Aaron Walker has founded more than a dozen companies over the past 41 years. He attributes much of his success to having surrounded himself with his mastermind counterparts. Aaron spent a decade meeting weekly with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham, and 5 other amazing entrepreneurs. Aaron is the founder of Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind that now hosts 15 groups with National and International members. Aaron is the author of View From The Top, a must-read to fully understand how to live a life of success and significance. Also, the founder of The Mastermind Playbook an incredible resource for starting, running and scaling masterminds. Aaron lives in Nashville Tennessee with his wife Robin of 40 years and he has 2 incredible daughters and 5 beautiful grandchildren.

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