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If you only change ONE thing about your life this year….

By January 7, 20154 Comments


Girl Listening With Her Hand On An Ear


If you only change ONE thing about your life this year, make it this one…..  Change WHO and WHAT you are listening to.  I have been very intentional in the last few years about this and it’s been a game changer for me…

On a practical level, it looks like this:

  • clean out your Facebook friend list.  Half of those people you don’t know or don’t like anyway.  Hide them.  Unfriend them.  Its YOUR fb feed…. see only the things/people who lift you up.  If you get a stomach ache when you see them post…. they gotta go.


  • Look at who you are hanging with.  The saying from Jim Rohn is that “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”.  Look at your inner circle.  Are they who you want to be?  Financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually?  If they aren’t, start hanging with the people who you admire.  You don’t have to end friendships, but you do need to establish boundaries.  It’s unrealistic to think that you can hang out with a bunch of whiners, complainers and negative people but still live a positive life.  It will never happen.  And friends I gotta be honest here, some people honestly do not WANT a joyful, positive life.  They are more comfortable staying stuck.  Pull out of that. Pull away from it.  Love them, but from a distance.


  • Check what you are listening to.  You may even need to check the TYPE of music you are listening to?  Why do you think Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” is so popular?  Yes its a catchy tune, but people RELATE to the words!  It makes them feel good.  They feel empowered by it (and I thank you Taylor).  So turn off the music that doesn’t make you feel like the person you want to be.  Turn on podcasts.  Turn on teachings.  Turn on sermons.  It will change your mindset and when you change your mind; you change your life.


  • What are you watching?  I talk to my kids all the time about their tv choices…. “trash in; trash out”.  Yes I realize that for some, tv is a great distraction and a great way to decompress, but you can’t have a Oprah Winfrey powerful life with a Honey Boo-Boo DVR list.  Watch what you watch.


Friends, you don’t have to let everyone have access to you or your plans and your thoughts.  Guard your dreams.  Share them with only the people who will encourage you and lift you up.  Daring to live your dreams is scary enough without people in your world passive aggressively manipulating you or setting you up for failure.  If you’re a business owner, get around like-minded people (check out my business owning group HERE) and quit getting advice from people who have never ran a business anyway.

Guard your ears and your eyes and your heart my friends.  Your future is at stake.

I am rooting for you,



  • Laurie says:

    Jennifer- I just discovered your website today via FB. I am embarrassed to say I’m a local girl to boot! What an uplifting website you have created! This post brought me to tears as it is so true. Thank you for your words of inspiration!

  • randie bunker says:

    You are such an insperation. God bless you.

  • Sally says:

    Approaching a “decade” birthday on January 11, I have made a very big and brave decision to “do over” the last decade. The past ten years have been frought with sadness, loss, terrible health and all manner of things that were a waste of precious emotional energy. And while is is literally impossible to erase one’s past, it it truly possible to let it go,move on and chose to be my best self…as if nothing ever happened. This is not denial. Clearly years of angst changed me. But I am telling my friends and family and now you, that I lost a lot and I am just going to do it over and in the end gain a decade. Me: one, Turmoil: zero!!! Excited about the fresh, happy New start!

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