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Blogger issues

By October 21, 20095 Comments

Is anyone else on Blogger struggling to upload videos? I have been trying for almost a week! I took a video on my camera that is an .avi file. I have uploaded one of these files before. Is this operator error? Or are you having Blogger issues too?


  • Judy says:

    Jennifer, I got so tired of uploading with blogger I switched to Windows Live Writer. If you will google Windows Live Witer and download just the Writer portion, you will love it! You can cut and paste pictures, you can upload multiples at one time and it’s just an all around better way to post your pictures. You can also resize your pictures relatively easily. I hope this helps.


  • Judy says:

    …oops, I mean google Window Live Writer!

  • Painter Mommy says:

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble. 🙁 It can definitely be frustrating.


  • I will have to agree with Judy about Windows Live Writer. I use it for all my posts and love it! If you don’t want to download Live Writer you can always post the video on Youtube and post a link to the video on your blog. That is what I have done in the past before WLR. Good Luck!

  • Laretha says:

    girly stuff uses Windows Live Writer too…we need to check that out!

    Love the new pics up on the side of your page!

    Lookin’ good Allwood family! Lookin’ good!

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