I want to tell you about my work day Friday. It was my most productive work day of 2015 thusfar.
- I got up.
- I went to the gym.
- I had quiet time and prayer.
- I answered email for 15 minutes.
- I spent 3 hours at my kid’s school.
- I went for a wog (a walk/jog) because the weather in Kansas City was ridiculous.
- I journaled.
- I listened to some great podcasts from Pastor Steven Furtick.
- I soaked in a bubble bath.
- I tried out my new spiral curling iron (did you see the pics on Facebook??)
- I had a date night with my husband.
- I was asleep by 11 on a Friday night.
And I did more for my business than ANY OTHER DAY THIS YEAR.
Listen, any idiot can work 60-70 hours a week. I know because I WAS that idiot.
But it takes a STRONG, CONFIDENT, POWERFUL business owner to understand that DOWNTIME is as critical to your business as crunch time. When you pull away to take care of YOURSELF emotionally, physically and spiritually…… work becomes so much clearer. Your mind literally MAKES ROOM for ideas and creativity. You get refreshed, recharged, rejuvenated and you don’t begin to RESENT your business.
Now I know what you are thinking because I used to think it too. “I’m so busy that I can’t stop.” “There is so much to do.” “I’m responsible for all of it.” “No one can do this stuff for my business but me.” “I can’t take a day off.” And etc, etc, etc. I say this with ALLLLLLLLLLL the love in my heart, but that thinking is rooted in arrogance and self-centeredness. Look at ANY business larger than yours that you admire and I guarantee you…… there is a TEAM running that thing. You can lead it, but you don’t need to do it all.
I promise you, when you start delegating, start resting, start taking care of yourself, your business will begin to THRIVE. Because it’s leader is STRONGER AND MORE CLEAR AND MORE POWERFUL after rest.
It takes guts to do it, but it is so worth it.
Much love,
PS. If you struggle with boundaries, delegating, turning work OFF….. I’d encourage you to join my 6 week mentorship program where we will tackle the bottle necks that most small business owners face. Information is here.