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Sorry….this overachiever has no Christmas cards this year…..

By December 23, 20115 Comments

(all pictures compliments of the amazing Radiant Photography here in KC)

This is the first year that I can remember I haven’t gotten Christmas cards sent out.  To all of you over-achievers who have sent your cards out already……I was previously one of you. 

I even embellished my cards.

And added glitter/sparkles into the envelopes.

Kudos to you all who sent your cards out …. and know that I will be an over achiever again.

This season has just been crazy with work deadlines (we still have 2 houses to finish this week), my first Red Apron furniture sale, adoption stress and as always….all 3 of my kids have birthdays within a 6 week window right before Christmas.

Aimee Decker, owner of Radiant Photography, took our pictures….we just didn’t get around to ORDERING the cards from her. Ug.

I just couldn’t get it all done.

Too much to do and not enough time.

( “3 kids in our home…..4 kids in our heart”)

So….here are a few shots from our Christmas card attempt.

I do wish you and yours a very merry Christmas. I am gonna take a few days off from blogging. My family needs some down time, they deserve their momma’s undivided attention and I just need to chill a bit. I don’t want to be so worried about relaying the events of the season that I miss the season, ya know?

So, I will catch ya on the flip side.

Merry Christmas to you.  And to God be the Glory.


  • I didn’t do cards this year either for the first time in many years. Just couldn’t get it all together this year. Nice to know that I am not the only one who got overwhelmed this year! Have a Merry, Merry Christmas!

  • Dixie Mom says:

    Merry Christmas to you too! It has been a crazy year for so many. December 25th came faster than possible.

  • Pamela says:

    I just stuffed mine. Need to mail um out today. No worries you busy mama! Merry Christmas!

  • Gypsy Heart says:

    I had all intentions of sending cards out this year…I so love to do them & I include glitter, sparkles, etc. 🙂 Seems that once Dec 1st arrived, the month has been going at warp speed. I hardly have a moment to really enjoy and that’s what I wanted to do.

    Your photos are gorgeous! At least you will have those even if cards were not done.

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and all good things in the new year. God bless us everyone!


  • Reenie says:

    Merry Christmas!

    Cute pics 🙂

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