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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

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Have you ever done a project in your home like this one above that everyone oohed and aahed over but yet it just didn’t sit right with you and you stared at it and stared at it until you just couldn’t take it and you wondered why you just didn’t stay true to your own tastes in the first place and go for a really bold color and so you redo it in a color that you think is really hot and trendy and you totally hate it and your husband says it looks like farm equipment and you wonder how you could pick a color so bad when your JOB is color and why didn’t you just leave good enough alone in the first place???????

Yea….. me neither.

Linking up to Under the Table and Dreaming and It’s So Veri Cheri.

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  • Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking says:

    Glad to hear that even you make a paint mistake 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how you fix it… will it be paint, glaze? Inquiring minds need to know!

  • Not a fan of the green, but i probably would have done the same thing, i give you credit for trying. 🙂

  • Angie says:

    Oooh you crack me up! Naaahh never happens HA! 😉

  • Danielle says:

    That is what is so great with paint – You can always repaint. Maybe you can sell it to your local farmer 🙂

  • Tara says:

    How about robin’s egg blue with a glaze on it? I’m a green fan but you’re right…that is John Deere green and it is not good. Bleah.

  • Sandra says:

    John Deer. This is hilarious! You’ll get it figured out and love it in the end. We ALL do that kind of thing once in a while. You’re entitled.

  • Liz says:

    We all make mistakes. I *LOVED* it the way you had it originally. Green is my all-time favorite color, but perhaps a sage green might be better…something a little more muted looking, ya know? Can’t wait to see what you do next. ~Liz

  • KC Mom says:

    But you’d never know if you didn’t try! Maybe you could tone it down with some glaze or metallic?

  • Morgan says:

    I think it would look great a yellow color – like the decorative pieces you have on your counter (I’m new to your blog and just got through seeing your kitchen cabinet glaze and your play doh collection). 🙂

  • Patti says:

    oh well…that’s why there are so many more color choices! It certainly “catches your eye” and could be a conversation starter!! OR you could take the “high road” and blame it one of the kids!

  • Sarah @ Hennessey House says:

    i am working on a project at this very moment where i’m extremely unhappy with the outcome of the color – hey, it happens to the best of us! you can spray over the green though. no worries 🙂

  • Renee says:

    That’s the beauty of paint! It’s cheap and easy to fix if you screw it up.

  • EVERYONE makes a color mistake now and then. At least you didn’t pick the wrong shade of tan to paint the exterior of your house then have to live years with it looking like a “little pink house” from a John Cugar-Mellancamp song. Who does that? 😉

  • Mary Joy says:

    LOL…it was gorgeous before…but I relate to the itch you are talking about to do it differently. I really respect your authenticity in sharing what you did though. Says a lot about you. I am in the middle of a bunch of “befores” at my house…decided to share them on my blog…something new for me…much easier to share the afters. You have inspired me what can I say!

  • Kolein says:

    Yep, I had a yellow closet once. It scared me. I actually cried because I had to re-paint it. We’ve all been there, it seems.

    You will undoubtedly make it fabulous again!

  • Erin says:

    This is something I’ve done for sure. Good thing it’s just paint huh!

  • Paint a more subtle paint over it then distressed it letting the green come thru a little bit. At least it was just a frame. I once painted two entire big rooms in a very (what my friends called) cantina blue color. Yikes!
    Can’t wait to see the fix-up.

  • Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says:

    aw, jennifer, it happens to all of us once if we’re lucky, more if we’re not so! i have definitely painted things before and wondered what person with bad taste posessed me for that moment. because i would never make a bad color choice, nope, not me! 😉

  • Deb says:

    I’m so glad you posted this ’cause I’ve made so many boo-boos…it’s good to see somebody elses!! It’s just paint…and like you said paint is your job…so…paint over it!!! You’re so funny…love the little sad face!!

  • {Bellamere Cottage} says:

    So badly I want to say…”no, of course that never happens to me”….hmmmm….can’t though. 🙂

    Warm blessings,

  • Just Glaze It! That’ll tone it down. Right??



  • Pamela says:

    Distress that puppy and tone it down with some stain or um glaze is what you professionals call it and I bet it will look fabulous!

  • Tina says:

    You never know until you try.

  • Girly Stuff says:

    I thought for sure you were going to paint it turquoise…imagine my surprise!

  • Stephanie Lynn says:

    lol – what a cute post! Lucky for you I’m sure you have the perfect color laying around somewhere! Can wait now to see the re-do! Thanks again for joining the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  • I’ve done this so many times! Get all done with a project, stand back, and “oh, no” I don’t like it 🙁

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

  • I LOVE that you aren’t afraid of posting your mistakes.
    But come on now, WAS this a mistake? You PAINTED it GREEN!
    I think I actually heard the record scratch when I saw that picture… I’m still laughing.
    Somewhere, somebody is lovin’ this chalkboard as much as they love their tractor!
    Word of advice…
    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
    You’re priceless.

  • No I hadn’t seen this, but it makes me laugh!(sorry) We have all done this! URGH! Good luck!

  • lol, where’d you get that green from? reminds me of a recent mirror I just revised and layered way too much ‘stuff’ on until it became a ‘Huh?’ piece….

    your green might end up being the perfect base color!

  • lol, where’d you get that green from? reminds me of a recent mirror I just revised and layered way too much ‘stuff’ on until it became a ‘Huh?’ piece….

    your green might end up being the perfect base color!

  • Beth@The Stories of A2Z says:

    So glad that someone who does this for a living makes some crazy choices too :). Might I recommend some blue chippy $.49 craft paint? I think I have some left over :)!

  • Nishant says:

    That’s the beauty of paint!
    post free classified ads

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