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57 email subject lines that convert

Have you ever thought about coaching? Are those in your circle already asking for your tips and tricks? Do you love people and find encouraging others to be one of your best assets? Friends, you might be missing out on an important revenue stream inside your business. If you think you need a large audience to step into coaching, you couldn’t be more wrong! Let’s talk about all the ways you can examine your God-given talents, to see if coaching is right for you. And visit after listening to this show. Don’t leave any money on the table!

Hit the Highlights

[00:35] What is a coach?
[04:00] You don’t need to have a large audience
[05:30] Use your God-given skill set
[06:45] 7 ways to know you’d be a good coach
[21:45] Quit talking yourself out of ‘the thing’

JOIN ME in The Better Way!

The Better Way program is the proven path you need to explode the growth of your online business so you can make money without working so hard! Are you ready to launch your product into the online space? Let’s do that together! For all of you faith-based business owners, let me give you a guide to making money online to generate more sales in less time. Sign up at:!

Listener Shoutout

I love to shout out a business each week on the show. Your reviews are such a blessing to me, so I want to repay by drawing some attention to someone who takes the time to leave one. Thank you, Melinda Dent, for your kind words. I pray a blessing over you and your business!

“Found Jennifer Allwood just when I needed her most. I have been praying to God for guidance, help, answers, words of wisdom...ANYTHING! ‘God, please speak to me!’ has been my prayer for a week now. Enter Jennifer Allwood with the messages I needed to hear when I needed them most. Thank you, Jennifer for being a vessel for God's message to women everywhere.”

Listener: Melinda DentPodcast Review: “Just What I Needed”

Subscribe and Review

I am honored to show up each week on The Jennifer Allwood Show and bring you inspiring and actionable content. I hope it is truly helpful for you. One of the best ways you can bless me in return is to subscribe to the show and leave a review.

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