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57 email subject lines that convert

I am so grateful to God that he has given me 50 years of life. And since my 50th birthday is tomorrow, I thought it would be fun to give you five things I wish I would have known when I started my entrepreneurship journey. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 21 years, and have learned soooo much that I can’t wait to share with you today!

Hit the Highlights

(04:39) How I started my entrepreneurship journey.

(12:37) Why health is important to your business.

(18:01) Go all-in on how God has wired you.

(20:32) Don’t build a business you don’t actually love.

(24:02) Not everyone is for you.

(30:24) Trust your gut, even early on.

5 Things I Wish I Would Have Known

  • As you are building your business, pay close attention to your health.
  • Stay true to who you are.
  • Your peace is priceless.
  • Some people will not be for you, and some people will leave you.
  • Always trust your gut.

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