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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Raise your hand high if you know you are a perfectionist!! This podcast was made for you! Being a perfectionist can be one of the hardest traits to learn to navigate. You are constantly battling yourself with the idea that whatever you make or create has to be 100%, absolute, without a doubt perfect. I’m here to tell you, friends, you are wasting so much precious time in an endless battle. Instead, learn to use what you have right now, and be ok with that. If you are waiting until you know everything, it’s never going to happen. You cannot let perfectionism and hoping you can get it perfect be the thing that stops you. Get out of your own head!

Hit the Highlights

[3:40] Perfectionism always goes back to pride.
[7:00] We were not made to be stagnant.
[8:10] Do the best you can do with what you have right now.
[9:30] Everyone has fear, the ones who are going to be successful are the ones that do it in spite of fear.
[14:00] Do not despise small beginnings.
[16:30] Be ok with putting it out in the world without it being perfect.

Important Links

If you don’t have a copy of my book, grab one here. It has been on sale lately so don’t delay another day!
My Social Accelerator is the perfect set of trainings to help you jump start your following and get start putting your self and what you have to offer out in the world. Get all the details here!

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