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57 email subject lines that convert

August should be filled with last-minute summer vacays and back-to-school shopping and orientations. Instead, the world is still at unease, and so many are still left with many unknowns. In the business world, we are trying to make pivots to best serve our customers while continuing to provide for our family. Deciding how to make that pivot can be extremely difficult. You’ve worked so hard for what you have accomplished, and it can feel like you’re losing a piece of yourself. Today I sat down with Laura Meyer, my brand strategist, to discuss all the things pivoting. She is so knowledgeable and offers amazing advice. Laura had an adapted quote from Richard Rohr that fits perfectly with this podcast, “Transformation often takes place not when something new begins but when something old falls apart.”

Hit the Highlights

[6:40] Starting to feel that time to transition or pivot
[9:15] Letting go feels hard
[11:45] Let the opinion of God be stronger than the opinion of man
[16:15] Create space for God to show up
[20:40] Learning to forgive yourself
[24:50] Struggling pivoting from brick & mortar to Online
[27:50] Transitioning your brand 
[32:00] Laura’s final thoughts on shifting/pivoting
[33:50] Rapid fire questions

All About Laura

As a serial entrepreneur who has scaled multiple six- and seven-figure online and offline companies over the last fifteen years, Laura helps national brands and high-growth entrepreneurs with profit growth, effective marketing, and brand strategy.

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