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Fear is Not the
Boss of You

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Get Unstuck and Stay Unstuck

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Get the perfect companion to Fear is Not the Boss of You! In Get Unstuck and Stay Unstuck, Jennifer Allwood motivates and encourages you to seek a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship with God. Get straightforward, honest advice to get unstuck — and stay that way.

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What would happen if you didn’t overthink, but just DID instead?

Jennifer Allwood • Fear is Not the Boss of You

Your future and your destiny are too important. You can’t stay stuck and afraid!

This book is for any woman who has ever been overwhelmed with indecision, paralyzed with fear, or just plain stuck. With no-nonsense biblical truth, Fear is Not the Boss of You is a loving kick in the backside that will catapult you into ACTION. Successful entrepreneur, business coach, and girl next door Jennifer Allwood is your guide to show you why you can’t stay stuck, teaching you how to get out of your own way and get on the road to fulfilling the life of your dreams — even if you’re afraid.

Creative entrepreneur, mentor, and online influencer Jennifer Allwood is that friend who calls you out on your stuff but loves you anyway. She refuses to let you stay stuck because she knows excuses and fear don’t let you off the hook.

The bold and beautiful truth is that there are things on this side of heaven that you desire to do, and that God is asking you to do.

Whether you’re thinking of launching a new business, adopting a child, writing a book, or competing in a triathlon, Jennifer will motivate you to move from paralyzing fear into courageous obedience and actions. With stories, no-nonsense truth, and practical tips you can apply today, Jennifer will show you how to:


Identify how and where you are stuck

Determine what’s holding you back

Get out of your own way

Experience the incredible joy that comes from trusting a big God to do big things in you and through you

This is your gutsy invitation to go after the big dream God has called you to…because fear is not the boss of you.



  • in Christian Business and Professional Growth
  • in Christian Church and Church Leadership
  • in Christian Church Leadership
  • in Christian Self Help

Praise for Fear is Not the Boss of You

Denice Hicks

Fear is Not the Boss of You has been a crucial message that I needed to hear! It came just as I was starting a new business at 56 years old and was just the loving, truth-filled kick in the butt I needed! Jennifer has a way of making you feel like you are sharing a table at lunch with the friend that you trust to speak the real truth to you — even when she knows it may sting a little. Her love for you — us — is real and deep and sincere. I have bought several copies of the book and will be buying more. As I write this review, we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and I am in awe at the timeliness of the words in this book! Whether you are a Christian or not, you will be inspired to get free from fear, get unstuck, and get after it!

Jody McComas

I have read countless books in the past few years on self growth and development, business building or spiritual development. NEVER have I read one that had all three in one book. I devoured this book and found myself laughing, crying and giving audible AMENS as I took it all in. It’s personal and practical, funny and faith filled. It’s a breath of fresh air and a kick in the pants that you might need. There are so many quotes I’ve seen in past years that get shared that have partial truths in them or didn’t sit quite right with me. When Jennifer puts her spin on things and adds in Truth to it I finally found something that fully resonated with my heart, mind and faith. I look forward to reading this again and again and I will definitely be passing it on to others. This book and message is what EVERYONE needs, especially in our world today.

Melissa Hunter

I cannot stop highlighting whole paragraphs in this book. Jennifer feels like a close friend who is speaking sense into my life. Even though I have read hundreds of self-help/personal development books and will probably read hundreds more, Fear is Not the Boss of You is going to get a spot on the hallowed shelf where I keep the books that have changed my life. I already know that when I finish it I am going to start it all over again.
Jennifer Allwood’s writing is so accessible. I immediately felt like I knew her and that we were friends. Her sense of humor coupled with her unwavering faith in God are like [PB&J].
I can sus out BS pretty quickly and trust me, there’s no BS in this book! If you are looking for a new voice, Jennifer might be the one God has created for you!!!

Carolyn Gloster

As a woman, mom, wife, and business owner, I know all too well how very real the power fear can have on our lives. Jennifer’s book is not just another “rah-rah-you-can-do-it” blowing smoke up your skirt kind of motivational book. It’s more like having a cup of coffee in ripped jeans on the sofa with your best friend, having a true heart-to-heart conversation. Her words are filled with biblically sound truths (without being preachy), giving practical steps and sharing real life experiences to show how to release that grip of fear on our lives so that we can truly embrace the lives we’ve been given. Jen shows how to boldly take back our lives from the grip of Fear, while loving us and prodding us every step of the way to live the lives God intended for us, using all our past experiences to help others move into their best lives, too.

Morgan Reece

If there was a book that could magically give you courage and clarity to change your life and impact the world, would you read it? I hope so. ‘Cause this might just be that book.
Fear is Not the Boss of You is engaging, insightful, and full of surprises. One moment I’m snorting my breakfast smoothie at Jennifer’s turn of a phrase, and the next moment I’m grabbing my highlighter to mark profound truths or smart suggestions to revisit later.
Jennifer embodies freedom of conscience that is often lacking in our culture on both ends of the political and religious spectrums. She’s not afraid to tell you what she believes about God, Jesus, and sin. At the same time, she gives you permission to be a grown-up and make up your own mind.

Carrie Robaina

Fear is Not the Boss of You is a must read for every woman regardless of whatever season of life they’re in! Jennifer Allwood writes in such a way that is humorous and yet straight up what you need to hear in order to rise above the fear and doubt that keeps you from walking in freedom and confidence!
You will love this book so much you won’t want to keep it to yourself! Grab a copy for YOU, a friend, and several others to gift. It’s THAT good!!!

T. Kruskamp

I’ve never been a person that gleams from influencers. I don’t do the positive affirmations, the how-to-be-successful podcasts, and what have you. I’ve never gotten anything out of it. Always a waste of time for me.
Until my one of my people sent me her “Why are you working for free?” podcast, and it was like an alarm went off. Jennifer talks a lot about how God speaks to us differently, and I’ve always known one of the ways He speaks is through other people. He spoke through Jennifer that day, as a best friend would sit down and tell it like it is. This book hits you right where you need it. And God is using her to bless His people. I am so grateful for her and her hard work at this book.

Heather Colindres

This book has been such a blessing to me! This book helped me get away from the doubts and fears that have controlled me and caused me to think and act out in ways I didn’t even realize weren’t normal. After reading this book I feel like God is blossoming me into who He has called me to be with boldness and courage! Getting past the thoughts in your own head is the hardest part of being courageous and this book explains and give reasons of why you have to just do things afraid and know that you’re going to be just fine. Such a good good read! Thank you, Jen, for being obedient to God in every area of your life! Your obedience has truly changed my life!

Listen to an excerpt now!


Amy PorterfieldOnline Marketing Trainer & Host of Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Fear is Not the Boss of You is the book for the modern-day female who is determined to live a life on purpose. Jennifer gets honest about fear, comparison, and what real courage and confidence look like. If you’re feeling stuck, this is the book for you. Get ready to be inspired and motivated, and get the sweetest tough love you’ll ever receive to help you take action toward the life of your dreams.

Edie WadsworthAuthor of All the Pretty Things

I have loved Jennifer Allwood for years, but never did I imagine how her book would undo me. This book is a beautiful and heart-piercing manifesto meant to get us unstuck and living out our God-given callings. I am forever grateful for this woman of God, who goes first by being courageous and unafraid in her message of hope and transformation. Get this book and get yourself unstuck! It’s time to offer those gifts to the world, sister.

Kelly RoachCEO & Founder of The Unstoppable Entrepreneur

You are called to so much more, and fear can no longer be your out. Jennifer calls her readers out with a powerful, undeniable testament to the miracle and love of God calling us forward to face our fears and make our dreams come true in every area of life. A must-read for every woman who is ready to become her next and best version of herself.

Chalene JohnsonNew York Times Best-Selling Author, Business & Health Expert

If you are the ceiling to your success, Jennifer Allwood is about to “raise the roof!” You won’t feel like you are reading another “rah-rah” girl-power motivational self-help book. Jennifer actually provides a framework to get you unstuck (regardless of your brand of quicksand). With humor and truly relatable stories on every page, I felt like I was having a captivation conversation with my very wise and very funny Jesus-loving BFF. You’ll lean in, soak in, and receive messages you know you needed to hear, but more importantly this book will teach you how to get out of your own way.

Rebekah LyonsBest-Selling Author, Rhythm of Renewal and You Are Free

Jennifer is the kind of spunky self-starter who cheers loud in your corner and offers you the playbook for success! Fear is Not the Boss of You is a guide for best practices; laced with vulnerability and lessons learned, wit and candor, I couldn’t put it down. You’ll refer back to these pages as you live the courageous life you were made for.

Sandi KrakowskiCEO & President of A Real Change International, Inc.

Jennifer is the real deal, and the transparency and authentic way she leads in her new book will have you rethinking all the systems and strategies out there today. She will lead you face-to-face with your greatest fear, show you how to load up your slingshot and stone, and win the way of your own personal Goliaths. Not only has she does this in her business life, but deep into her personal life she’s made it a habit and a lifestyle to dive into the deep end with God on the most important issues. If fear has plagued you and you feel like you no longer own your own life, this book will be not only a tool but a lifeline.

Myquillyn SmithWall Street Journal Best-Selling Author of Cozy Minimalist Home

Jennifer is the life coach, business boss, and truth-telling friend you didn’t even know you were looking for. Read this book and be ready to tend to the brilliant fire she’s light in your life.

Sarah Jakes RobertBest-Selling Author, Pastor & Founder of Woman Evolve

You will find yourself picking up this book over and over again to hear Jennifer champion you and push you toward your destiny. Using her faith as her compass, Jennifer tells us her journey from a place of openness and honesty that will inspire.

Jamie IveyBest-Selling Author & Host of The Happy Hour Podcast

Jen doesn’t just preach about fear not getting the best of her, she lives it. She is inviting us all in to this message, and I am here to tell that you will not be the same after reading these words.

Live the life you weremade for

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Here’s what readers are saying…

June Calender

More than halfway through the book. Upon reflection on my drive home, I realized I stood a bit taller and held my head high and my shoulders back. I know with the help of this book and following and listening to God, I’ve got this. I’m not the business kind (I think), but I want to accomplish things for my health. Fear will not stop me! I know so many who would benefit, men and women. Love love love that she writes like she talks.

Terrie Porter-Babauta

Resonating through my heart and soul. It’s as if Jennifer Allwood was living my life! Stuck… oh my, I cried. I’ve felt stuck for a while now and can’t wait to get unstuck now. On chapter 4 and the tears keep coming!

Lori Rickman

Just finished the book! I’ve spent years of struggling with fear and Jennifer hit this out of the ballpark. I cannot thank you enough! I will be reading this over and over again, as well as telling all my friends about it.

Rami Stein Parker

Either I am hormonal or she is speaking directly to my soul. I was in tears on page 15… page 15, y’all!!! I can relate to every word she speaks. How lucky are we to have her brave the way for us.

Cathy Wheeler

Chapter 5 and I am sure Jennifer Allwood is speaking directly to me as I read. I rarely read the same book twice, but this book will definitely be the exception!

Courtney Huff

Oh my goodness, I just got started reading this morning, and I have to say this book is beautiful and speaks to my soul. I’m only in the overwhelmed section, but boy howdy, Jennifer is hitting all the things I have been feeling lately and more! Thank you for writing this book, Jennifer! I especially love where she talks about God not giving you more than He can handle.

Jody Light

I just finished chapter 8. WOW!!! You are amazing, Jennifer Allwood!! Thank you so much!!! I originally ordered three copies — one for myself, my daughter and my daughter-in-law — but realize I need more copies to share with some family and friends! I can’t wait to read more!

Terry Pino

I’ve read it twice. The first time I inhaled it. The second time I took a bit more time and in chunks to absorb more. Tonight I start the third time and highlight using the notes I made during both reads and notes I’ve been jotting down in between. Know what reading this book feels like? It reminds me of the first crush you had and you can’t help but thinking about him all the time.

Lindsey DeWine Chevalier

I’ve had my face buried in this book for the last hour… word after word… brilliant!!! Jennifer Allwood, I hear the Lord say, “Well done.”

Amber Cash

I swear this book is my life. I had to force myself to put it down! I already know it is going to take multiple readings to catch things I didn’t catch the first time. I’ll have this read by end of today.

Cindy Ortiz-Malcolm

All I can say is God has led me to Jennifer Allwood for a reason. This book has come to me at a time I needed to hear her words. It’s like I’m sitting with her and talking. I have been a long-time follower and in her coaching group. This book has hit my heart. Thank you for this.

Michelle Besedic

WOW! I just finished the book. JENNIFER! As a Christian, let me just say Glory to God!!! You were so bold and God-focused the ENTIRE book, which was so refreshing! I laughed, I cried, I felt like you were my bestie! What a blessing you are and I can’t wait to watch all of this unfold. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and sharing your love of God.
P.S. I’m ordering a bunch of books as gifts.

Crystal Dvorak

Only 40 pages in and keep wondering how Jennifer got in my head and downloaded my thoughts…

Jill Schar

Wow! Thank you, Jennifer, for speaking the truth and giving me the kick that I needed to be obedient and stop making excuses in fear. This book is powerful because it is a beautiful mix of God’s love and truth and your amazing story. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with so many of us. Well done, good and faithful servant.