I love it when a client gives me inspirational photos. It helps a faux finisher just to get an idea of where a client’s vision is at.
And a picture is worth a thousand words, right? (and in some of these photos, a thousand dollars….)
One of my regular clients gave me the three photos above to show me how she wanted her oak handrails to look. She already had white spindles, so painting her handrails black to make her stairway “very Kardashian” would be easy.
Here is a before:
Another before:
To my client A.J……thanks for all of the business you give me. You’ve been a great client for years. I love that you are willing to try new things in your home……and that you have me back a couple of times every year to do something new.
And that you let me drag my baby girl to your house with me……
I really like the dark and light contrast. Great job.
I’ve been dreaming about doing this for a looooong time. And while I like some DIY, this may be a PSE….I may be giving you a call. Is North Lee’s Summit too far out for you?