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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

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Today’s topic is one that many people may not like to talk about.  And it may ruffle a few feathers.  But hopefully this blog will promote self-examination, which in turn will result in changed behavior.  Because, let’s be honest, that’s really how we move our business to the next level!

So, today I want to share my thoughts about…Serial Learners.

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THIS. IS.  A. THING.  Who knows, maybe this is you.  And look, learning is great.  I love learning.  Learning makes us feel like we are doing something.  We feel accomplished when we are gathering facts. 

BUT here is the problem…

Some entrepreneurs are in a constant state of learning.  From one course to the next to the next.  Constantly trying to figure out how to better manage Facebook or changes to Instagram or learning new way to run a business.  Always moving on to the next big shiny thing to learn.

Consider this: 

Sometimes are learning because we are stalling

…and we are stalling because we are scared

…and we are scared because we are afraid we might fail

You are self sabotaging by not applying the information you already have.  There is a saying that “Implementation Trumps Information” and couldn’t agree more.  Doing is so much more important than learning to do.  Learning isn’t scary but doing is – that is why this is such a common practice for business owners.

How to GET OUT of the Holding Pattern of Learning

  1. Pick only a COUPLE of learning groups where you are really getting great information and drop the rest.  Sometimes so much information is just information overload and it is a huge distraction!  The pinging of your phone and the notifications on FB will keep you from doing things that you really want to do.
  1. Free up your inbox!! – Use to help quickly get rid of the junk that you aren’t reading and is just cluttering up your inbox.  Get the free app to see what groups you are in on FaceBook.  You will be SHOCKED by the groups that you didn’t now you were in.  Get OUT of the groups that aren’t helping you.
  1. Don’t download another book or listen to another podcast.

How to Tackle that BHS (BIG HARD SCARY) Thing

  1. Take out pen and paper.  Write down what ONE THING requires my focus to take my business to the next level.  What’s the BHS (big hard scary) thing.  Is it opening a new store?? Shipping outside of local area?? Becoming a vendor?? Starting an online course?? Writing an ebook??  What is YOUR one things that you need to do to move your business to the next level?
  1. What will you commit to, in terms of strategy, to take that “from idea to implementation” and give yourself a drop-dead date.  You have to fight for time to make it happen so having a drop-dead date holds you to making a commitment to get it done.
  1. Start telling people your plan.  By making your plan public, it helps hold you accountable.  People will start asking you how it’s going and that conviction will make you want to be successful.

You already know enough.  Let that sink in for a moment…  You.  Already.  Know.  Enough.  You have enough knowledge.  You have enough experience. You even have enough strategy.  It’s time to just get started.  You don’t need to know more you just need to DO MORE.

Listen to my podcast episode #69 with James Wedmore here. He talks about perfectionism and facing your fears and launching with a beta course. You’ll find this podcast very motivating and encouraging. I also suggest you listen to episode #62 here with Christy Wright where she talks about having permission to begin without knowing it all and how all of us business owners are just winging it. It’s solid advice!

I also have free training on perfectionism here.

If you have the time, watch this!

Until next time, start implementing!!

Blessings, Jen

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Get more business tips on my Pinterest board for small business marketing here.

When to stop learning and start moving in your creative bysiness | Business Coach Jennifer Allwood shares her best business tips, advice and encouragement | How to Monetize an Online Business


  • sheryl says:

    oh this is so me. I always feel I need to know more and am missing out on something. Learning is easy for me as I can do this in bed at night or while doing the laundry. My niche is building furniture and so much more effort has to go in to the planning of tutorials and courses than working on a course. Possibly a little tired and possibly addicted to learning 🙂

  • Jasey says:

    Jen – You’re speaking to my soul right now. This is me. I learn learn learn and learn some more. Thanks for the ne goals!

  • Edith says:

    I am learning so much as a part of your group. I create beautiful custom deco mesh wreaths. Company name “Edith’s Wreathtastic Designs”.
    Please help with the following:
    (1) getting a logo then turn it into a watermark. How did you get ” the magic brush” logo? How do you get it to appear along with your signature?
    (2) How to get my business logo copy right once established.
    Jennifer, your help is greatly appreciated. I got to come up with an unique logo style.

  • Thank you! I needed this today! I’ve been working on my membership site for several months. Testing with a beta group since April and I’m ready to launch, but I’ve been so distracted with all the “info” from all the “gurus” of what I have to have in place to launch! It’s too much, but I’m a learner so it feels like I need to know more and more!!!!
    I’m setting my launch date today after reading your blog. I know what I need to know! <3

  • Patti says:

    Oh boy Sister! Thanks for the personal message, LOL
    Whew!! Needed this soooo much!

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