Friends, the truth of the matter is, this should be a very joyous time of the year, but when there is a struggle financially, it can be very stressful and a robber of that joy. There are a handful of ways you can make some fast cash right now to ease the burden this Holiday season. You are smart and resilient and your creativity is a blessing. Join me on this podcast and let’s talk about all the options, because there are many!
Hit the Highlights
[02:55] Listener review
[05:45] Mastermind ladies who started biz due to needing extra cash at Christmas
[06:35] Sell on Facebook Marketplace/Craigslist/Poshmark
[08:55] Facebook live sale
[09:40] Sell on Instagram Stories/Post sales daily
[10:42] Add +Sticker on IG Stories to link what you have for sale
[11:39] Look on FB/Craigslist for one-time help (Gigs)
[12:00] Rent your car — Turo
[16:15] Rent your swimming pool, weather permitting
[18:10] Host an in-person craft night
[19:55] Become a Virtual Assistant
[21:00] Trim your subscriptions
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Listener Shoutout
I love to shout out a business each week on the show. Your reviews are such a blessing to me, so I want to repay by drawing some attention to someone who takes the time to leave one. Thank you to listener, Jen T McClure, for your kind words. I pray a blessing over you and your business!
“I listen to Jen's wisdom every chance I get! I leverage my drive-time for personal development & Jen's podcast is always my first choice. I trust her heart & her brain. I treasure her spirit & her spunk. I appreciate her content AND I also observe how she ‘rolls things out.’ She inspires me to be brave & is making a huge difference in my life, spirit, confidence & finances. What are we called to do this side of Heaven?? That is serious biz! Forever grateful.”
Listener: Jen T McClurePodcast Review: “My #1 Go-To!!”
Subscribe and Review
I am honored to show up each week on The Jennifer Allwood Show and bring you inspiring and actionable content. I hope it is truly helpful for you. One of the best ways you can bless me in return is to subscribe to the show and leave a review.
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