We've scanned the 7.5 million emails

we sent last year and curated a list of

the 50 highest converting email subject

lines you can use for your business!

We've scanned the 7.5 million emails we sent last year and curated a list of the 50 highest converting email subject lines you can use for your business!

As Seen On...

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know the importance of having an email list (hello 3x's conversion rate compared to social media!) but you just email your customers whatever pops in your head instead of having a strategic plan.

  • You're ready to work smarter, not just harder, and see all those prayers, sweat, tears, and emails turn into paying clients and customers at a higher rate.

  • You don't like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks (ewwww) in your business, and if you could just glance over the shoulder of someone else's rocking business to see what works, you totally would.

  • You LOVE your business and clients and want to spend more time serving them and less time worrying about technical email mumbo jumbo like spam rates, DNS records, and dedicated domains. You just need a cheat sheet for all the tech stuff so you can focus on what you're great at!

Hey, I'm Jen!

I have a multi 7-figure per year coaching business!!!

After coaching 20,000+ clients I can tell you I don't LOVE the technical parts of running a business but I'm a smart cookie with a great team behind me and we've learned how to market in the online space like absolute ROCKSTARS!

You don’t need to trial and error your way to profits my friend, you just need to hang out with people who already have.

The first step is to download this totally free list of our 50 best converting email subject lines and use them to send your next email. And since you'll be joining me on MY email list, I can tell you about all the other great ways to market your business online.

We're all adults here, it's okay to cheat at this marketing thing! Let me show you the ways...

Learn how to create curiosity with your email subject lines...

  • When you have something to offer for sale

  • When you're following up with a customer

  • When you want to showcase your expertise

  • When it's time to launch a new offer

  • When you're adding value in a weekly email

It wasn’t until I began teaching painting classes online and then coaching women in their businesses that everything changed for my family. 

Suddenly I could reach more people and make more sales, without increasing my hours. After years in the painting business, it was WILD the success I had when I added coaching...like nothing I had seen or even imagined was possible!

I was able to bring my husband home from his day job, and we finally had the time and financial freedom we'd been looking for.

Jennifer Allwood | Copyright 2024

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